Fixes an issue while deactivating documents where the wrong column would no longer be displayed in the Code Matrix Browser.Fixes an issue where it was not possible to display favorite variables in the Overview of Coded Segments.Fixes an issue while displaying only activated documents or codes in the Code Matrix Browser where subsequently activating documents or codes did not work correctly.Fixes an issue while displaying progress bars, where in some instances the bars were not visible on computers running macOS Big Sur.

Fixes an issue while double-clicking on a node in the Code Matrix Browser where the respective coded segments were not displayed in the Retrieved Segments window.Fixes an issue while exporting the Overview of Coded Segments where a hidden column was not exported.mtr file where the hierarchal structure of the Code System was not maintained. Fixes an issue while exporting the Code System as.str transcript linked to a media file was not possible (Mac only).
Fixes an issue while importing RIS data where PDF files were not embedded in the project file.Fixes an issue while importing document variables from EXCEL, where variables were not recognized correctly if blank spaces were added to the end of a variable name.Fixes an issue while displaying shadows for imported images in MAXMaps.Fixes an issue while linking documents to a media file where coded segments were temporarily not displayed in the side bar of the Document Browser.Fixes an issue while using “Refresh and apply Stop List” in the results window of “Word Frequencies” where an incorrect TTR and percentages were displayed.